The Glory of Chaturmasa

`` The chapter 'Chaturmasya Mahatmya' in the Brahma Khanda of Skanda Purana states:

In the four months of the rainy season, from the Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of Ashadha when the Sun is in the Cancer to the Ekadashi of the bright fortnight of Kartika, Lord Vishnu sleeps on the serpent-bed. This period is pious and most appropriate for devotion to Lord Vishnu. All holy waters, holy places, temples, charities and merits take shelter in Lord Vishnu. One bathing in a river in the Chaturmasa becomes accomplished, and if one bathes in holy waters, one's sins are destroyed.

If one mixes sesame seeds and amla powder, or bilva-patras (wood-apple leaves) in water and takes a bath with this water, he will get purged of all sins. Putting a couple of bilva-patras in a bucket of water and bathing with such water after japa of 'Om Namah Shivaya' is particularly beneficial. It safeguards one's health and alleviates disorders of the wind humour.

As Lord Vishnu sleeps in the water during Chaturmasa, water is impregnated with Lord Vishnu's potency. A bath in the water so impregnated is higher in religious merit than bathing in all the holy waters on earth. Apart from the time of an eclipse, one should not bathe in the evening or at night. Bathing with warm water too is interdicted.
Start the sanwarta sanwara Life

Do not start the work, starting out as a means of raising her fulfill it, come what may pratikultaye, to face them, to warn her the - the things are requires, to stay with them. This proven tool will not miss having. This practice was - to the world, spiritual - in the world, it requires more careful.

Teacher ordered not suitable even

Unpesha: Shuchiardksha gatwayeta: Uadasino.

Number in bhakt:priye Serwaramhparitayagee Yo Mad ..

'The man devoid of desire, pure inside out, efficient, free from prejudice and sorrows are drawn - all of Arambhoan Solitaire My devotee is dear to me. "

(Geeta: 12.16)

We did our mentor to thousands obey orders. I gained a lot from mentor obedience. Guru is strong in obedience, that he did so his work.

Need to master it?

Knowledge like that master the essentials of each utility to ultimate reality, but it is not no other way. Without Guru worship - the way the secrets are not known, nor is it out the bugs. Who wants to worship, the master can not proceed without even a step. Disciple of Guru's satisfaction is perfection itself.
Ghooroopurnima .. ..

Gurupurnima rise to this celebration has been held. The festivities come to you without delay, very Anandpuarvka attending. Come on ....Come on .... You go you come and sit on his throne. A sneaky wolf or goat poor seeker is not seeker is the Singh Singh! Discourses for spiritual seekers in the coming Umangpuarvka the heart of his master's throne. Arudh you're on the throne. You going to come in his glory.Come on you in your Atmsvhao ....

When will Ahrdaymondiar visit?

Boring like the dirt, pebbles are removed are found in the spring and plenty of innovative stream meets daily lives, such as its lack innovative Remove the eternal happiness, eternal innovative Preemaras, Gyanras get juice and health lives. But we from the drapes passions, desires, gravel and mud kept him down, so have to take medicine for health, knowledge has to Pothe rote, is happy to wander into the clubs.Bhagaaderss whose life has come to her happiness does not go to clubs, she throw a glance at the people happy student translations.

A master - commanded all who are close

Empty My sayeeya not happen all Koy reduced.

Be reduced or decreased Balihhari Hoy Pargat ..

Kabira Kuan Panihhari number one.

A separation of the water in separation sets ..

Accidental death qualification has been misused

You have to feel, to know, the power to, so you do Satkarma such divine God be satisfied with the actions, not athletic arrogance, greed - not infatuation increased, resentment, anxiety does not grow, they go all happen. Whatever you have money, power, qualification, if it is not the purpose of Eswarpropti with how it is not going to deceive you not find translations.

Took spells disease, took medication Monkey

I directed him to rule chanting, pranayama, sunbathing and started walking, I began to gain. One day I was walking, came home, his wife said the "red face and all four monkeys came up with polythene carry drugs fled." Then came the monkey brought a second drug run to take medicines. It happened 4-5 times. The event was a big surprise to everyone but me can see it clearly had the effect of spells, Nassei disease ..... Hanuman was the mantra of Hanuman came Senawala.

A rare to the strip!

Krishna laughed. Pandav Bole "Madhav! Vinod everything you think."

"Hey, is Vinod. The humor is all delusion, all creation is Vinodamatra. Dramas such as the fierce, as usual, as tender as a cruel wicked show .... whatever, it happens to all the audience Vinod is. Vinodamatra similar to that of the whole universe is Brahman, there is no need to worry much. "

"But he will be nude Duryodhana ...."

"Hey, do not know that stupid strip. Strip knows goes beyond the raft. He worked his up, anger, greed, many of the ideas Ahnta cover was given."